In order for us to continue to deliver sustainable products and services of public benefit, we must be a reliable partner and create climate-conscious solutions. Sustainability is crucial to our competitiveness. Therefore, we have set ambitious and concrete sustainability goals within four main areas.

For one thing we can state for years to come: We will contribute to a climate-conscious future in wood.

Climate action throughout the value chain

  • Climate action throughout the value chain

    Sustainability throughout the value chain

    Sustainability is one of Moelven’s core values, but what does it mean for our suppliers, employees and customers?

    Read about sustainability throughout the value chain
  • Climate action throughout the value chain

    New life for sawdust from Moelven

    Supporting innovation and identifying new ways to utilise by-products are two areas that Moelven is more than happy to contribute towards. The Wood Region is a project that makes this possible.

    Read more about the Wood Region here
  • Climate action throughout the value chain

    What does it mean for me that the products I buy are certified?

    It means that you have bought products for which we are able to document that the raw materials originate from sustainable forestry, that the production process adheres to all industry standards and that you can be confident that the products will be of the quality we promise.

    Read more about certified products here
  • Climate action throughout the value chain

    Digital solutions to save energy

    Every year, Moelven’s production entities in Sweden are responsible for energy consumption corresponding to that of 22,600 detached homes. But what is all this energy used for?

    Read about energy in Moelven here

Safeguarding our natural resources

  • Safeguarding our natural resources

    What is the tree used for?

    At Moelven, we make a living from managing a renewable natural resource and we are committed to doing so in the best possible manner.

    Read about what the tree is used for
  • Safeguarding our natural resources

    A sorting ratio of 95 per cent for waste

    One of the best in class at Moelven when it comes to waste sorting is Moelven Mjøsbruket AS. “The key is making it as easy as possible for employees,” says operations manager at Moelven Mjøsbruket, Petter Fjeld Bjerke.

    Read more about waste sorting
  • Safeguarding our natural resources

    Buying local where possible

    Smart and larger purchases result in a better climate footprint. “We established a purchasing group at Moelven in 2020.

    Read about smart purchases

Focus on people

  • Focus on people

    What we have learned from the pandemic

    The Covid-19 pandemic has been challenging for our employees in 2020. But it has also created team spirit and new ways of working. These are some of our experiences.

    Read about what we have learned from the pandemic

Local value

  • Local value

    A sustainable adhesive supplier

    At the Akzo Nobel adhesive factory in Kristinehamn, there is a focus on sustainable products with low emissions. The adhesive is used in the production of plywood sheets and glulam at Moelven.

    Read more about it here
  • Photo: Alp

    Why do we fell trees?

    According to the UN Climate Panel, in order to successfully limit global temperature rises to less than 2 degrees Celsius by 2100, we must bind more carbon than we release. We can do this by “capturing” greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and storing them underground or by practising active forestry and using more wood in construction.

    Read more about why we fell trees
  • Climate-smart building products come from trees

    Wood is a renewable and climate-smart material that fits perfectly in both large and small construction projects. Also, the Norwegian and Swedish forests are full of timber. We have decided to build a sustainable future from wood.

    Let nature come home
  • We will build a 150 meter high tower

    Climate-smart energy solutions should of course be built in a climate-friendly material. Moelven Töreboda is now participating in an innovation project, where the goal is to develop a concept for 150 meter high wind turbines with glulam.

    Read more about the innovation project
  • A circular system

    Designing interiors with system walls from Moelven Modus is the best environmental choice. You will be working with a building system that is environmentally approved and built on circular economy principles, where the components are designed to be able to be taken apart and reassembled in a new design, thereby reducing the burden on our shared environment.

    Read more about the Modus Method
  • The world's tallest wooden building

    Construction of Mjøstårnet is now completed. The 85.4 m high building was opened in March 2019 and is officially the world's tallest timber building.

    Explore the wooden tower