PEFC is an international NGO working for responsible forestry practices. PEFC issues certificates to the forestry stakeholders meeting the defined criteria for responsible operational practices. Our industries are part of the environmental forestry chain; sawn goods can be traced and identified all the way from the forest to the finished products in the DIY or merchant stores.

Link to Environment Policy
Link to Social Policy


FSC® is an international NGO working for responsible forestry practices. FSC issues certificates to the forestry stakeholders meeting the defined criteria for responsible operational practices. Our industries are part of the environmental forestry chain; sawn goods can be traced and identified all the way from the forest to the finished products in the DIY or merchant stores.

Link to FSC® Search
Link to Environment Policy
Link to Social Policy


Logo licenses in our MultiSites

MultiSite Moelven Virke FSC-C113012
MultitSite Moelven Wood FSC-C115128


KD56ºC 30min - phytosanitary certificate (FAO/ IPPC/ ISPM 15)

Standard for all our sawmills - The heat treatment of minimum 56 degrees at the heart of the timber, for 30 minutes,  guarantees that no bugs, worms et al can survive this treatment.
The norm is also that such timbers should be free from bark (DB = debarked). The agricultural authorities in Sweden  - “Jordbruksverket” and in Norway - “Mattilsynet” administer the certification schemes and issues Approval of Kilns and use of  KD56ºC 30min logo with identity number.

Norway - List of approved sawmills for timber products

Sweden - List of approved sawmills for timber products

HT - ISPM 15

Mills without their own kilns uses routine for HT - ISPM 15. The agricultural authorities in Sweden  - “Jordbruksverket” and in Norway - “Mattilsynet” issues Approval of ISPM 15 marking.

CE-EN 14081

CE marked construction products require certified product control. Guaranteeing that UE specific regulations are met.

Treteknisk (The Norwegian Institute of Wood technology), and SP Trätek, the Swedish equivalent, are the certification bodies in Norway and Sweden respectively. Yearly controlling audits are mandatory for the producers, ensuring neutral supervision.

PDF Documents

Concerning EU Timber Regulation (EUTR), Regulation (EU) No 995/2010

EUTR is a common European regulation with the purpose of hindering illegal logging.
All companies placing wood products for the first time on the EU/ EEA (European Economic Area) market are comprised by the regulation, whether the companies are situated within or outside the EU, and must be able to document that their products do not derive from illegal logging.


Concerning UK Timber Regulation (UKTR)

UKTR is a UK regulation with the purpose of hindering illegal logging.
All companies placing wood products for the first time in the UK market are comprised by the regulation, whether the companies are situated within or outside the UK, and must be able to document that their products do not derive from illegal logging.


ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization
a) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
b) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.


ISO 14001:2004 specifies requirements for an environmental management system to enable an organization to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, and information about significant environmental aspects.

PDF Documents

SBP - The Sustainable Biomass Program is a non-profit standard setting organisation, which manages a voluntary certification system designed for wood pellets, woodchips or other biomass used in energy production.

Moelven Pellets is SBP certified.


Svanen-märktning av byggnader betyder att man uppfyller höga miljö- och hälsokrav på allt från byggprodukter, material och kemiska produkter till energiförbrukning och ljudnivåer.

Mer information om Svanenmärkning här.


Documented info about use of cameras and treatment of personal data

PDF Documents
BS-EN 14081

UKCA marked construction products require certified product control. Guaranteeing that UK specific regulations are met.

Treteknisk (The Norwegian Institute of Wood technology) via BSI Group, and SP Trätek, the Swedish equivalent, are the certification bodies in Norway and Sweden respectively. Yearly controlling audits are mandatory for the producers, ensuring neutral supervision


Understanding and application of Moelven's Supplier Code of Conduct


Moelven Supplier Code of Conduct is established to ensure that our suppliers respect basic human and workers’ rights and protect the environment and climate. Goods and services delivered to Moelven must be manufactured under conditions that are compatible with the requirements set out in these documents.


Understanding and application of Moelven's Code of Conduct


Moelven must act in a sustainable, ethical and socially responsible manner.

Our Code of Conduct provides the basic principles for our personal conduct and business practices and constitutes the framework to ensure that we act in compliance with relevant legislation, internal guidelines and our basic values – that the group shall be reliable, sustainable and see opportunities.

A good and reliable reputation is decisive for our business activities and must ensure credibility towards our customers, suppliers and other stakeholders, and that we are an attractive employer.

PDF Documents


Policy for sustainability
Our business is based on renewable resources, and we have made sustainability and long-term commitment our competitive advantage, and have a strong determination to take responsibility for our environment.

Social Policy
Social responsibility - Our most important contribution to society is to operate our business properly. Because healthy finances, attractive workplaces and employees who are happy in their work provide us with an excellent basis for playing a positive role in the places where our operations are located. Social Policy is now a part of our Code of Conduct.

PDF Documents
PDF Documents
Declaration of Performance/ Prestandadeklaration CPR137 DoP - Declaration of Performance-Prestanda-Ytelse Moelven K-virke-Moelven Group (542 kB) CPR139 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Maskinelt visuelt styrkesortert konstruksjonsvirke til limtrelameller (422 kB) CPR1040 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Brandskyddsmålad ytterpanel av gran, finsågad (216 kB) CPR1045 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Brandskyddslackad interiörpanel (1 MB) CPR1047 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Brandskyddsmålad interiörpanel (1 MB) CPR1050 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Brandskyddsimpregnerad ytterpanel av gran (1 MB) CPR1052 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Vattenfast brandskyddsimpregnerad ytterpanel av ceder (1 MB) CPR1053 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Vattenfast brandskyddsimpregnerad ytterpanel av gran (256 kB) CPR1055 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Vattenfast brandskyddsimpregnerad värmebehandlad furu eller ask (219 kB) CPR1105 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Vattenfast brandskyddsimpregnerat cypresspån (216 kB) CPR1110 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Vattenfast brandskyddsimpregnerad värmebehandlad furu, med pigment (217 kB) CPR1041 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Brandskyddsmålad ytterpanel av gran, hyvlad (216 kB) CPR1087 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Brandskyddsmålad limträpanel av gran (216 kB) CPR1106 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Vattenfast brandskyddsimpregnerat cederträspån (217 kB) CPR1127 DoP - Prestandadeklaration - Moelven Vattenfast brandskyddsimpregnerat cederträspån, ytbehandlat (247 kB)

An EPD® (Environmental Product Declaration) is an independently verified and registered document that communicates transparent and comparable information about the life-cycle environmental impact of products. Both the underlying LCA (Life-Cycle Assessment) and the EPD are always based upon international standards.

EPD Norge


PDF Documents
Environmental Product Declaration EPD Skurlast ENG (2 MB) EPD Skurlast NO (2 MB)

Den norske biocidforskriften gjennomfører EUs biocidforordning i norsk lov. Det betyr at alle regler og krav i EUs biocidforordning også gjelder i Norge. I tillegg inneholder biocidforskriften særnorske bestemmelser og gebyrsatser.

Dokumentasjon til forbruker finnes vedlagt.

Kilde: Miljødirektoratet

PDF Documents
Biocid informasjon Trebeskyttet virke Biocidinformasjon Trebeskyttet virke (216 kB)

The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) was officially adopted on May 31st 2023, and entered inta force on June 29th 2023. The regulation replaces the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR). EUDR aims to stop deforestation and forest degradation associated with specific products placed on or exported from the EU market, in particular agriculture crops, but also wood products and solid biofuels. 

PDF Documents