By safeguarding natural resources, as well as focusing on people, local values, and climate efforts throughout the entire value chain, Moelven will continue to build a sustainable future in wood. Therefore, the most important point in our sustainability strategy is to work towards processing raw materials with as little climate impact as possible, and to ensure that as large a portion as possible of our finished products become part of durable buildings and constructions so they can continue to sequester carbon for as long as possible. This is our contribution to achieving the UN's sustainability goals.

How does Moelven define sustainability?

What we define as sustainable development is a development that meets today's needs without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their needs. For example, this may mean that we do not chop more trees than we plant, so that future generations' ability to build with wood is as good as ours.

How does Moelven define sustainability

Based on the UN's sustainability goals

The starting point for the entire Moelven's sustainability work is the UN's sustainability goal. To ensure that our internal goals contribute to a sustainable future in a global perspective, we have chosen to focus on the five goals in which we have the greatest impact. This is life on land, stopping climate change, good health, good education and decent work and economic growth.

We have chosen to place those five sustainability goals within four main areas: climate action throughout the value chain, safeguarding natural resources, people in focus and local values.

  • “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”

    #3 Good health

    Moelven has a responsibility to contribute to the safety and security of everyone affected by the Group’s activities and products. It must be safe to work at Moelven, our ambition is for no-one to become sick or injured as a result of the work they perform. The same applies to those who use our products and services, from builders and professional tradespeople to the end users, who are often private individuals.

  • “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

    #4 Quality education

    Training and education are important globally when it comes to creating a sustainable future, but also for ensuring equality and combating poverty, discrimination and social dumping. For the Moelven Group, it is also necessary to ensure future access to the expertise and human resources required to further create a sustainable development of the business.

  • “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.”

    #8 Decent work and economic growth

    The number of people who live in extreme poverty has decreased in the last 20-30 years but the problem has not been eliminated. Poverty is a key obstacle to sustainable development and combating climate change. The world’s nations contribute to combating povertythrough a share of their gross domestic product, which in turn is the sum of the value creation that takes place at an individual level in each country.

  • “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.”

    #13 Climate action

    By producing climate-smart products based on a natural, renewable raw material and by contributing to renewable bioenergy products, Moelven helps combat climate change. When used as materials in permanent structures, our products act as a natural carbon sink, while residual raw materials from production are included in the natural carbon cycle, which does not add new carbon to the atmosphere.

  • “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests…”

    #15 Life on land

    As a customer of the forestry industry, Moelven has a responsibility to promote sustainable forestry. As a driving force in this promotional work, we contribute towards increasing the absorption of carbon from the atmosphere by forests. We do this through the forestry management services we offer, through communication with forest owners and by placing requirements on our suppliers in accordance with certification schemes such as PEFC™ and FSC®.

By reporting on specific sustainability goals, we ensure that customers are confident they will receive products from a value chain that considers the climate, environment, biodiversity, and human and labour rights when choosing Moelven.

Global Reporting Initiative

The basis for our choice of focus areas is analyzes conducted in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative's guidelines. The main priority areas are selected on the basis of what is essential to the long-term value creation and how we influence and are influenced by our stakeholders.

It includes an assessment of environmental and social impact through the value chain, market changes, as well as stakeholder expectations now and in the future. It is also considered where Moelven, as a group, has the greatest possible impact.


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