
Svanen-märktning av byggnader betyder att man uppfyller höga miljö- och hälsokrav på allt från byggprodukter, material och kemiska produkter till energiförbrukning och ljudnivåer.

Mer information om Svanenmärkning här.


Understanding and application of Moelven's Code of Conduct


Moelven must act in a sustainable, ethical and socially responsible manner.

Our Code of Conduct provides the basic principles for our personal conduct and business practices and constitutes the framework to ensure that we act in compliance with relevant legislation, internal guidelines and our basic values – that the group shall be reliable, sustainable and see opportunities.

A good and reliable reputation is decisive for our business activities and must ensure credibility towards our customers, suppliers and other stakeholders, and that we are an attractive employer.

PDF Documents


Policy for sustainability
Our business is based on renewable resources, and we have made sustainability and long-term commitment our competitive advantage, and have a strong determination to take responsibility for our environment.

Social Policy
Social responsibility - Our most important contribution to society is to operate our business properly. Because healthy finances, attractive workplaces and employees who are happy in their work provide us with an excellent basis for playing a positive role in the places where our operations are located. Social Policy is now a part of our Code of Conduct.

PDF Documents
Policy för Kvalitet, Miljö och Arbetsmiljö Policy för Kvalitet, Miljö och Arbetsmiljö (1 MB)