An EPD® (Environmental Product Declaration) is an independently verified and registered document that communicates transparent and comparable information about the life-cycle environmental impact of products. Both the underlying LCA (Life-Cycle Assessment) and the EPD are always based upon international standards.
Den norske biocidforskriften gjennomfører EUs biocidforordning i norsk lov. Det betyr at alle regler og krav i EUs biocidforordning også gjelder i Norge. I tillegg inneholder biocidforskriften særnorske bestemmelser og gebyrsatser.
Dokumentasjon til forbruker finnes vedlagt.
Kilde: Miljødirektoratet
The EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) was officially adopted on May 31st 2023, and entered inta force on June 29th 2023. The regulation replaces the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR). EUDR aims to stop deforestation and forest degradation associated with specific products placed on or exported from the EU market, in particular agriculture crops, but also wood products and solid biofuels.