News archive

Photo: Einar Breen

Increased demand for wood products: Moelven recorded a profit figure of NOK 163 million in the third quarter of 2020

Increased focus on renovations and maintenance continue to have a positive effect for Moelven, and the Group can report the highest Q3 revenue in 13 years.

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Fatal accident casts gloom over half-year results

13 August was one of the darkest days of Moelven’s history. That day an employee lost his life in a fall accident at Moelven Edanesågen AB in Sweden. “We are unable to celebrate a good half-year result as we have just had a fatal accident,” says CEO Morten Kristiansen of Moelven Industrier ASA.

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Involved and competent employees

Involved and competent employees

Where and why is it important?

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Askims torg montering Photo: Sören Håkanlind

Demolition will not save the climate

Realising the potential that lies in the buildings we already have means we can save money while sparing the environment and society.

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Rural value creation

Rural value creation

Moelven companies are often found outside the major cities and urban areas. Many of our operations are important cornerstone companies in smaller locations, both in Norway and in Sweden.

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Resource-efficient design and packaging

Material use is optimised and waste quantities reduced through resource-efficient design and industrialised production in controlled environments in the factory, on the construction site and during the usage phase.

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Fredric and Lars Kristen hug in front of the lorry six months after the accident. Photo: Hans Haug

These words saved Fredric’s life

Looking out for one another can mean all the difference between life and death.

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Moelven posted a NOK 70 million profit on operations during the first quarter

Moelven started the year on a positive note, and the coronavirus pandemic has not yet significantly impacted the group’s operations. However, the pandemic makes it almost impossible to predict the future.

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Coronavirus update

Moelven is monitoring the coronavirus outbreak as it is developing, and we are following the national health advice and mandatory regulations in the countries we operate in.

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Photo: Sindre Ellingsen

Moelven’s earnings were NOK 335 million in 2019

Last year was characterised by significant fluctuations for Moelven. This is evident from the preliminary operating result for the group. Moelven had sales of NOK 10,297.5 million in 2019, and delivered a operating result of NOK 335.4 million.

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