News archive

Continued strong international demand
The strong international demand for wood products continues to drive revenue growth for the timber industry. “The global market can’t get enough of wood products now, and this continues to characterise demand. At the same time we are seeing more normal seasonal developments on the domestic market,” says CEO Morten Kristiansen of Moelven Industrier ASA.
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Moelven’s new image is on the way
The Moelven Group will launch its new brand on the 18th of October. “It will help us to be prepared and equipped for the future”, says Morten Kristiansen, CEO of Moelven Industrier ASA.
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"Unique opportunity to further develop the lumber industry"
International demand for wood articles has resulted in a revenue growth the industry has hardly seen before. "Our operating margin gives us unique opportunities to get the lumber industry ready for the great demand for climate-smart products going forward," says Morten Kristiansen, CEO of Moelven Industrier ASA.
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Moelven with greatest investment of all time
Moelven will modernise and develop capacity at Moelven Edanesågen AB and Moelven Valåsen AB. Overall, the group will invest more than SEK 600 million in the two sawmills in the years to come.
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Digital solutions to save energy
Every year, Moelven’s production entities in Sweden are responsible for energy consumption corresponding to that of 22,600 detached homes. But what is all this energy used for?
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What is the tree used for?
At Moelven, we make a living from managing a renewable natural resource and we are committed to doing so in the best possible manner. By using the various parts of the tree for what they are best suited to and by using residual raw materials for the production of e.g. pellets and biofuels, we can fully utilise the resources of the forest.
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What we have learned from the pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic has been challenging for our employees in 2020. But it has also created team spirit and new ways of working. These are some of our experiences.
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Sustainability throughout the value chain
Sustainability is one of Moelven’s core values, but what does it mean for our suppliers, employees and customers?
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3D-printed chair in biocomposite
You can do a lot with sawdust from Moelven Notnäs. A 3D-printed chair in biocomposite - true symbol of the future. Malin’s chair is 100 per cent recyclable and has attracted widespread attention from several quarters, including a spot at the Stockholm Furniture Fair in 2020.
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3D-printed kayaks in biocomposite
Pelle Stafshede decided to move away from traditional development methods and turn his attention to additive production using biocomposite instead.
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