All hauliers carrying out assignments for companies within Moelven Group confirm that the following documents have been read and are followed:


Instructions to hauliers on safety procedures related to loading and unloading at Moelven's sites.


The environmental impact of transport shall be minimised through coordination and optimisation of the product flow. The environment shall be considered in the choice of transport method and the group's current objectives for environmental standards shall be taken into account when choosing partners.

The future is built with wood

Sustainability is crucial to our competitiveness. Therefore, we have set ambitious and concrete sustainability goals within four main areas. For one thing we can state for years to come: We will contribute to a sustainable future in wood.

Read more about our sustainability goals


Our Code of Conduct provides the basic principles for our personal conduct and business practices and constitutes the framework to ensure that we act in compliance with relevant legislation, internal guidelines and our basic values – that the group shall be reliable, sustainable and see opportunities.

It is also assumed that our business partners/suppliers act in accordance with standards that coincide with the Moelven Group's own ethical requirements.