Laminated profiles
Laminated components: Block, L and T profiles in redwood, either solid or finger jointed. Products normally for use in window and door production.
Heartwood- natural, rot-resistant and environmentally friendly
The key raw material for Moelven Profil is pine. It must be strong and homogeneous.
Our laminated profiles require heartwood. Here the resin provides a natural saturation, which makes the material rot-resistant and environmentally friendly. Producing profiles with heartwood is important to our customers.
Customised productsProducts
Our core products are laminated pine profiles, made according to customer specifications.
- Laminated profiles are finger-jointed profiles in standard six metre lengths
- We produce both solid and finger-jointed units
Quality and control
Our products are subject to quality requirements, both the raw material and the finished product. The graining angle and requirements for moisture in wood is 12% +/- 2% to ensure optimal results.
- Moelven Profil is associated with the Norsk Emnekontrol control scheme and is subject to controls by the Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology
- Certified according to PEFC™ CoC and FSC™ CoC
- Internal quality control system based on the principles of ISO 9000 and Lean methodology
Contact information
Sales outside UK and Ireland
Here you can find contact information to our other sales offices
Laminated profiles
Moelven UK Ltd.
Unit 25, Capital Business Center
22 Carlton Road, South Croydon, CR2 OBS SURREY, UK
+44(0)20 8916 2401